Save the date
SEP. 21-22, 28-29 2024
11AM - 5PM
The Tour
IT'S HERE . . . IN ITS 16th YEAR!
Over 100 artists will open their studios City-wide September 21-22 and 28-29 from 11 AM until 5 PM.
Deborah Allison #38
Keith Bailey #11
Luisa Baldinger #12
Steve Barr #1
Brad Bealmear #13
Carole Belliveau #73
Stan Berning #74
Lisa Bick #33
Michael Billie #2
Bonnie Binkert #39
Misha Bittleston #75
Rachel Bounds #40
Carole Bowker #76
Thomas Bowker #76
Daniel Brown #14
Michele Byrne #41
Michael Coop #42
Rob Davenport #15
Deb Davis-Livaich #43
Martina De Avila #33
Jerry Defrese #44
Leah Devine Pokrasso #45
Crista Dixon #34
Paul du Coudray #46
Brian Edwards #47
Selena Engelhart #48
Robbi Firestone #77
Wendy Foster #49
Jane Frederick #50
Cindy Fry #51
Trevor Goring #88
Shayna Grandbois #16
Rosemarie Green #3
Mireille Haboucha #17
Albert Handell #52
John Harmon #53
L. Thayer Hutchinson #4
Lindsay Iliff #78
Linda Ingraham #18
Suzy Johnson #79
Kristine Keheley #46
Cheryl Kelley #54
Gerd J. Kunde #35
Heidi Kutchin #36
Bettina Lancaster #55
Joanna Leffeld #56
Heidi Loewen #80
Linda Logan-Condon #19
Janis Luedke #5
Hank Lumen #20
Selena Engelhart #48
Robbi Firestone #77
Wendy Foster #49
Jane Frederick #50
Cindy Fry #51
Trevor Goring #88
Shayna Grandbois #16
Rosemarie Green #3
Mireille Haboucha #17
Albert Handell #52
John Harmon #53
L. Thayer Hutchinson #4
Lindsay Iliff #78
Linda Ingraham #18
Suzy Johnson #79
Kristine Keheley #46
Cheryl Kelley #54
Gerd J. Kunde #35
Heidi Kutchin #36
Bettina Lancaster #55
Joanna Leffeld #56
Heidi Loewen #80
Linda Logan-Condon #19
Janis Luedke #5
Hank Lumen #20
Janet Lynn #57
Patrick Lysaght #21
Sara M Novenson #81
Patricia Marin Miranda #82
Kiki Martinez #54
Peter McCarthy #83
Barbara McCulloch #22
Sandy McDaniel #88
Darlene Olivia McElroy #43
Marilyn McEvoy #84
Saundra McPherson #58
Sara Miller #6
Kirsty Morris #85
Richard Nicholas #34
Philip Nichols #81
Eva Nicolait #7
Shan Ogdemli #59
Douglas Oliver #60
Ron Pokrasso #61
Colin Poole #86
Kristine Poole #86
Veronica Primerano #23
Nancy Reyner #24
Vivienne Riggio #25
Kate Rivers #26
Joyce Robins #49
Diane G Rolnick #8
Roxanne Rossi #62
Mary Ann Salomone #63
Debra Self #64
Mark Sharrock #27
Jane Shoenfeld #28
Sandy Short #29
Melinda Silver #65
Sharon Sorken #30
Sabrina Staires #37
Monika Steinhoff #66
R Dianne Stewart #9
Bonnie Teitelbaum #67
Emily Timberlake #68
Carol Tippit Woolworth #31
Anne Vidovich-O'Shea #32
John Wagner #69
Barbara Weber Yoffee #87
Stephanie West #50
Robert Wilhelm #10
Marcia Williams #73
Laura Yeats #70
Bette Yozell #71
David Zeiset #72
Janet Lynn #57
Patrick Lysaght #21
Sara M Novenson #81
Patricia Marin Miranda #82
Kiki Martinez #54
Peter McCarthy #83
Barbara McCulloch #22
Sandy McDaniel #88
Darlene Olivia McElroy #43
Marilyn McEvoy #84
Saundra McPherson #58
Sara Miller #6
Kirsty Morris #85
Richard Nicholas #34
Philip Nichols #81
Eva Nicolait #7
Shan Ogdemli #59
Douglas Oliver #60
Ron Pokrasso #61
Colin Poole #86
Kristine Poole #86
Veronica Primerano #23
Nancy Reyner #24
Vivienne Riggio #25
Kate Rivers #26
Joyce Robins #49
Diane G Rolnick #8
Roxanne Rossi #62
Mary Ann Salomone #63
Debra Self #64
Mark Sharrock #27
Jane Shoenfeld #28
Sandy Short #29
Melinda Silver #65
Sharon Sorken #30
Sabrina Staires #37
Monika Steinhoff #66
R Dianne Stewart #9
Bonnie Teitelbaum #67
Emily Timberlake #68
Carol Tippit Woolworth #31
Anne Vidovich-O'Shea #32
John Wagner #69
Barbara Weber Yoffee #87
Stephanie West #50
Robert Wilhelm #10
Marcia Williams #73
Laura Yeats #70
Bette Yozell #71
David Zeiset #72
Deborah Allison #38
Keith Bailey #11
Luisa Baldinger #12
Steve Barr #1
Brad Bealmear #13
Carole Belliveau #73
Stan Berning #74
Lisa Bick #33
Michael Billie #2
Bonnie Binkert #39
Misha Bittleston #75
Rachel Bounds #40
Carole Bowker #76
Thomas Bowker #76
Daniel Brown #14
Michele Byrne #41
Michael Coop #42
Rob Davenport #15
Deb Davis-Livaich #43
Martina De Avila #33
Jerry Defrese #44
Leah Devine Pokrasso #45
Crista Dixon #34
Paul du Coudray #46
Brian Edwards #47

2024 Tour Map
You could be the winner! The Santa Fe City Tourism Office has generously provided for two free nights at the downtown luxury hotel La Fonda on the Plaza.
Every studio on the Tour and at the Preview Gallery will have raffle cards to fill out. Look for this poster. You may enter at every studio and event you visit during the Tour. Make sure your info is legible so we can contact you if you are the happy winner. Good luck!

*In compliance with applicable data protection laws, we do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer any of your personal information to third parties. You can learn more on our Privacy Policy page.
Don't Miss this on the Tour!
Step into the vibrant world of creativity with our 2024 Studios page, where we've meticulously curated the artistic landscape of Santa Fe into four distinct neighborhoods: Historic, Old Pecos Trail, Southside, and Midtown/La Tierra. Explore an eclectic array of studios, each a haven for artistic expression and innovation. Get ready to embark on a visual odyssey like no other, where every studio holds a story waiting to be shared. Whether you're a seasoned art enthusiast or a curious newcomer, let our 2024 Studios page guide you to uncover the rich tapestry of Santa Fe's artistic heritage.
- Fri, Sep 27Thomas-Carole Bowker Fine Art and Studio
- Multiple DatesTue, Sep 24Studio 18 - Linda Ingraham
- Multiple DatesTue, Sep 24Studio 52 - Albert Handell
- Multiple DatesMon, Sep 23Studio 37 - Sabrina Staires
- Thu, Sep 19Studio 11 - Keith Bailey
- Thu, Sep 19Studio 65 - Melinda Silver
The Art of Instagram: Our Latest Creation
Sponsors & Partners

Santa Fe Studio Tour
Who We Are
The Santa Fe Studio Art Collective is a diverse community of studio artists dedicated to the creation and promotion of art as an essential part of life and the economy of the City and County of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Our Visitors section is your go-to guide for exploring the Santa Fe Studio Tour. Here, you'll find essential information on navigating the event and highlights of what to take advantage of. Whether you're a first-timer or a returning enthusiast, make the most out of your tour experience!
A limited supply is still available at the upcoming Preview Gallery on Saturday and Sunday, September 14th and 15th, from 11 AM to 5 PM at the Santa Fe Woman's Club,1616 Old Pecos Trail. Our helpful catalog is perfect for out-of-towners! Dive into the vibrant art world featuring 100 talented 2024 Santa Fe Studio Tour artists! Don't miss out on this curated collection celebrating creativity and community.
Click the link below to explore intricate maps, captivating neighborhoods, detailed artist bios, and stunning glimpses of their art pieces on our Studio Page.
Get the 2024 Art Catalog!

SFSAC - An All-Volunteer Arts Organization
A New Mexico Non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, PO Box 6882,
Santa Fe NM 87502
Contact Us:
Phone: (505) 695-1244
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